Today’s Workout

Boy do I love Saturdays. It’s nice to get up early and head to the park and get a good workout in before the day starts.  I wouldn’t really consider 7:45 early, but lately it has been so I was proud of myself when I made it to the park  and got started.  Mark had to work this morning so I was all by myself.  We workout together the majority of the time, so it was nice to have a little alone time to do my thing.  Today was a variety day in our training program so I was off to do what I wanted.  I started off with just a quick 1 mile run around the park to wake up and enjoy the scenery. I don’t run that much anymore so it was nice even it was just for a short distance.  I tried to think I was fast when some super speed racer ran past me so I tried to keep up with him…I was pretty good for about 1/4 mile then he was gone…so that didn’t workout so well, but it was nice to have a “goal” to shoot for.

After my run I did some mobility work to warm up for the bodyweight, kettlebell, trx portion of my workout (my favorite part!).  After my warmup, I started with 12kg double squats (last round was bottoms up), to alternating rows (keeping the bell high instead of on the ground) windmills, then double swings or snatches- 3 sets of 5. I threw in some overhead walks and some seesaw presses at the end of each round just for fun.  Next was the “main event” as I would like to call it.  It’s a 300 workout that I got from one of Dave Whitley‘s e-books (either 101 or 102 kB workouts, I can’t remember). You do 25 v-ups, 25 pushups (a few of these I did on the TRX when I could no longer do them on my feet), 50 snatches (w/16kg), 50 burpees (I added a jump on the top of these for the last 20), 50 clean and presses (started off w/a 16kg but had to move to a 12kg), 50 mountain climbers and then 50 swings (16kg- 30 2 handed, 10 r, 10 l). I also added 25 rows on the TRX and then did 20 1 legged squats (10 l, 10 R).  With this workout, you can not move on to the next portion until you have completed the whole set, so you can’t move on to pushups until you’ve completed all 25 v-ups.  I think this is supposed to be timed so you can see how long it takes you, but I didn’t time it.  Maybe next time so I have a goal, but today was play day:) I finished up with 1 TGU each side w/a 16—I haven’t very many TGU’s this week and it showed. I’m gonna make those my priority next week, then some light stretching and some addl ab work (planks, rotations w/the kb and cherry pickers) …all in all good morning workout. Now I get to sit and drink coffee and blog! Gotta love Saturdays!!!!

One comment

  1. Man Nikki, this is hardcore. I need to join you on one of these hard workouts… especially now that I can’t run. Let me know if you need a partner sometime!

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